Josephine Balakrishnan uses symbols, societal themes, and a color sense collected from her background and travels in India, Sri Lanka and Europe. Her work encompasses a story, a narration that needs a sense of more than one culture to decipher. She has shown her work in three continents and has sold in galleries and major museum stores (Guggenheim, National Gallery, Museum of Modern Art New York, Chicago Art Institute).

A contemporary film set in Sri Lanka among the members of the Burgher community: descendants of the Dutch, Portuguese, and English who settled in Sri Lanka over five hundred years ago. This group lived happily by their own standards as one character says in the film, "We didn't know what it was to be ashamed of our parents since we had no convention to lead us."

Mystery of the Green Elephant intertwines a 15th-century Tamil princess cartoon drama, Vivien Leigh in her epic departure from the infamous Elephant Walk, and a lost American college student who visits his grandmother in Sri Lanka and falls into a world of stories.

Coming soon. Contact us.